
All of TransAID’s baseline (WP3) and traffic management (WP4) scenarios were simulated with the modified microscopic traffic simulator SUMO. In addition, our traffic management scenarios included real-world communication aspects (WP5), which was all simulated in combination with the network simulator ns-3. These integrated simulations (WP6) were done within an upgrade of the iTETRIS framework. The software for TransAID is made available in the iCS (iTETRIS Control System) on GitHub. All our software is released under the GNU General Public License.

Relevant deliverables:

  • D3.1 (Modelling, Simulation, and Assessment of Automations and Behaviour)
  • D3.2 (Cooperative Maneuvring in the Presence of Hierarchical Traffic Management)
  • D4.1 (Overview of Existing and Enhanced Traffic Management Procedures)
  • D4.2 (Preliminary Simulation and Assessment)
  • D5.2 (V2X-Based Cooperative Sensing and Driving in Transition Areas)
  • D6.1 (An Integrated Platform for the Simulation and Assessment of Traffic Management Procedures in Transition Areas)
  • D6.2 (Assessment of Traffic Management Procedures in Transition Areas)

Software on GitHub: