TransAID SUMO User Conference paper available
On 16 May 2018, CERTH presented its assessment of TransAID driver models (ACC and CACC systems) using the microscopic traffic simulation software SUMO (see this post as well); the accompanying paper is now available. Grab your copy here!
TransAID presented at the Joint Workshop “Transport planning, traffic control and traffic safety – challenges and opportunities”
TransAID was presented at the Joint Workshop “Transport planning, traffic control and traffic safety – challenges and opportunities”, on 12 July 2018 in Zagreb, Croatia. Dr. Meng Lu from Dynniq talked about “Cooperative & automated road transport for enhanced traffic management“. There were 38 people attending the workshop.
TransAID Newsletter #2 (June 2018) available!
Today we published our second newsletter, containing very interesting information related to the definition of use cases, scenarios, and modelling requirements.
Grab your copy here, or go to our newsletter page for an overview!
TransAID presented at the Car 2 Car Communication Consortium (C2C-CC) WG Roadmap Meeting
Our colleagues from Hyundai, UMH, and DLR attended the Car 2 Car Communication Consortium (C2C-CC) WG Roadmap Meeting. There, they presented TransAID’s scope and development, with a special emphasis on the different services that TransAID is researching.
TransAID presented at the 2nd Symposium on Management of Future motorway and urban Traffic Systems
Technical Meeting (Berlin, Germany)
On Tuesday 5 – Wednesday 6 June, our consortium held a Technical Meeting at DLR in Berlin, Germany. We discussed the internals of our work, as well as setting up the entire simulation software! Stay tuned for more updates!

Publication of D2.2 (Scenario Definitions and Modelling Requirements)
We are happy to announce that Deliverable D2.2 (Scenario Definitions and Modelling Requirements) is available for download in the Deliverables section!
The purpose of D2.2 is to provide general descriptions, timelines, and SUMO networks for different scenarios. It also gives information regarding additional choices and requirements on the vehicle capabilities, vehicle numbers, and traffic compositions used the simulations.
TransAID presented at the SUMO User Conference
TransAID presented its assessment of driver models (ACC and CACC systems) using the microscopic traffic simulation software SUMO at the annual SUMO User Conference in Berlin, Germany. The presentation was given by Evangelos Mintsis, Kallirroi Porfyri, and Evangelos Mitsakis from CERTH.

TransAID presented at the TEN-T Days 2018
TransAID was presented during the TEN-T Days on 26 April 2018, in Ljubljana (Slovenia). One of our partners, Dr. Meng Lu from Dynniq, also talked with European Commissioner Bulc who visited the Exhibition, including our stand (together with C-MobILE and MAVEN).