Publication of D6.1 (An Integrated Platform for the Simulation and Assessment of Traffic Management Procedures in Transition Areas)

The TransAID project is preparing itself to incorporate traffic management measures into its simulations, taking into account realistic V2X communication processes. To this end, it uses the  iTETRIS software framework to conduct simulations of traffic management procedures involving the coupling (via the middelware iCS) between a traffic simulator (SUMO) modified for (C)Avs and a communication simulator (ns-3), which all are open-source programs. Deliverable D6.1 gives a detailed description of the available software platforms, and the reasons for choosing the iTETRIS framework. In addition, it provides more information on how to setup the entire integrated platform, as well as extending the application modules to implement traffic management measures. Finally, the deliverable outlines the tools to assess the simulation results by statistical and visual analysis.

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